Calibration Services
ENI Labs has performed calibration services since our founding in the 1980s. We specialize in serving the medical, defense, and general manufacturing sectors to ensure the accuracy of their various gauges, meters, plugs, and blocks. Our calibration lab maintains ISO 17025 accreditation (Cert #2147.01) through the A2LA to perform calibrations on numerous equipment types to a litany of specifications. Furthermore, we offer real-time order tracking to keep our clients up to date on the progress of their calibration service.

Our Capabilities
Click the titles below to see our full capabilities in each area!
- Dimensional Verification
- Tight Tolerances
- Calipers
- Gauges
- Surface Plates
- AC & DC Generation
- Voltage Measurement
- Power Supplies
- Inductors
- Current / Voltage Sources
- Power Sensors
- Signal Generators
- Spectrum Analyzers
- Directional Couplers
- Power Meters
- High Voltage Meters
- High Voltage Probes
- Megger / Insulation Testers
- Hi-Pots
- Accelerometers
- Mass Flow Meters
- Pressure / Vacuum Modules and Sensor
- Tachometers
- Torque Meters
- pH Testing Equipment
- Conductivity Measuring Equipment
- Temp / Pressure / Humidity / Vibration Chambers
- Chart Recorders
- Thermocouples, RTDs, and Liquid Thermometers
- Process Calibrators
- Temperature Controllers
- Infrared Guns
- RTD Calibrators
- Timers
- Stopwatches
- Frequency-Measuring Equipment
- Frequency Out
- Frequency Measure
- Optical Comparators
- Microscopes
- Vision Systems